Mrs. Westman's Jr. Kindergarten Class
Welcome to Jr. Kindergarten! I am thrilled to be your child's teacher this year! Please subscribe to my page so you'll be able to stay up to date with all the fun throughout the year :)
First day of school for Jr. Kindergarten: Monday, August 19th
A couple of reminders for the first day below:
- Two healthy snacks (separate from lunch box)
- Leak proof water bottle (only water please)
- Crib sheet for rest time (small blanket and stuff animal are ok too)
- Lunch (please have your child know their lunch plans, including milk, and send me an email for the 1st week if they are buying anything)
- Return Jr. K information sheet
- Return all paperwork for the office
- Return "Just in Case" bags
- Return picture day form
- Family picture
- Any supplies that were not brought in at Meet the Teacher
Please let me know who sent our class the magna tiles roads! It didn't include a name. Thank you SO much :)
We also received Paw Patrol puzzles and a transportation rug with no name. Please let me know who purchased these items. Thank you all for being so generous!
Supply lists currently unavailable