Miss Christy Forrest » Spelling/Vocabulary


Unit 3 Spelling Test - Friday, September 20
1. bigot
2. diversity
3. gloat
4. global
5. illusion
6. motivate
7. restrict
8. sage
9. vocation
10. wither
11. barrage
12. designate
13. enigma
14. infuriate
15. pacifist
16. queue
17. slake
18. terrain
19. vow
20. waylay
Spelling and Vocabulary tests will alternate each week.
Spelling pretests are on Thursdays. If students get a 100% on the pretest, they do not have to take the test on Friday.
We do require students to use cursive writing for spelling tests, but we are flexible for those of you coming from another school who may not have learned cursive.
Vocabulary tests are challenging. Students will be expected to know definitions, parts of speech, synonyms, and antonyms for the vocabulary words. At the beginning of each week of a vocab test, we will post a helpful study guide to Google classroom, so the students will know which synonyms, antonyms, and parts of speech to study. Students should make notecards to help them review!