Mrs. Angie Ridder » Religion


Week of Sept. 16th-20th


This week the students are going to select a Saint to do a mini research report on. We will be learning about many Saints this week.




We will focus on the life of Jesus through the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Order, and Anointing of the Sick.  Students will also focus on Mary and the lives of the saints.  This year we will also explore the Bible and how to use it. 



In addition, each quarter, the students will memorize a different prayer that will be orally presented for a test grade.  

     1st Quarter -Act of Contrition

     2nd Quarter-The Memorare

     3rd Quarter-The Nicene Creed

     4th Quarter-Hail Holy Queen


My top goal for this year is for our class to grow in faith and love of God together.