Mrs. Heather Hoene » Spelling/Vocab.


Spelling and Vocabulary tests will alternate each week. 


Spelling pretests are on Thursdays. If students get 100% on the pretest, they do not have to take the test on Friday. (20 points + 2 earned bonus points)

  • Spelling words may be found in the vocabulary textbook, practice notebook, & online textbook. 
  • Bonus Points: These words will come from the Assignment Notebook page titled Commonly Misspelled Words, words that we are currently learning in class, or from commonly misspelled words that teachers notice in students' writing.
  • We do require students to use cursive writing for spelling tests, but we are flexible for students coming from other schools. 


Vocabulary tests can be challenging. At the beginning of each week of a vocab test, we will post a vocabulary test study guide to Google Classroom. (30 points)

  • Students will be expected to know definitions, parts of speech, word application, synonyms, and antonyms for the vocabulary word test.
  • Students should make notecards to help them review!

Online vocabulary practice is available!

     Students can access the current unit's words, flashcards, games, and other study materials from the online vocabulary textbook. You will find the link on my homepage. Please note that you will not be able to view the actual textbook online.

How can I study for Vocabulary Tests?


    • Know the definitions of each word (from our textbook). Students will be required to create notecards or write notes each week. Many students need more than one night to prepare.


    • Learn how to apply the part of speech for only 5 vocabulary words. These 5 words will be posted on Google Classroom for each unit. Ex. verb, noun, adverb, adjective


    • Study synonyms & antonyms for specific words practiced in class. There are usually 8-9 vocabulary words to focus on here. (See your practice notebook or Google Classroom.)


    • Understand how to apply all words in a sentence or paragraph.


    • Try your best on textbook pages. (Do not copy from a friend's book.)

    • Go to the textbook website online and play the games provided.

    • Study from your notecards or practice notebook throughout the unit. (2 weeks)