Miss Christy Forrest » Reading


Week of September 9-13
We have started Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. Ask your child what we've read about so far! 
Figurative Language
* Idioms
* Personification
Knowing these types of figurative language will come in handy as we read our novels throughout the year!
We are halfway through the first quarter. Students should be at least 50% of the way to their AR goals. Please check in with your child and see where they are! 
Students should be reading EVERY NIGHT.
The AR Program Overview

Accelerated Reader  (AR) is a computerized reading program that is supplemental to our Reading series and helps teachers manage and monitor a student's independent reading.  Students in grades 1-8 are given the STAR Reading Inventory which determines their Independent Reading Level (IRL).  By staying within their IRL range, a student will be challenged in his/her independent reading but not frustrated.


Students select a book that has a corresponding AR quiz, read the book, then take a computerized quiz.  (Quizzes range from 5-20 questions, depending upon the length and difficulty of the book.)  Each book has an assigned Book Level and Point Value, and the students earn points towards their AR goal according to how well they score on the quiz.   Students may take quizzes on computers in their classrooms (desktops, iPads, Chromebooks) or in the school library or computer lab.  Contact your child's Reading/Literature teacher for more information on how Accelerated Reader is used in your child's classroom. 


Holy Infant School subscribes to the web-based version of AR which has available over 182,000 book quizzes!  To find out if a book your child wants to read has a corresponding AR quiz go to the Accelerated Reader Book Find website: www.arbookfind.com  There are books that share the same title, so care must be taken when looking up books on the website--match the title to the author.  Your child should accurately fill out his/her Reading Log with the book's title, quiz number, book level and point level.  


To monitor your child's progress towards their AR goal, log onto the Home Connect website.  To access your child's information, you will need the user name and password that your child uses when he/she takes an AR quiz.  Please contact Mrs. Ryle to request your child's AR username and password.