Mrs. Angie Ridder » 6th Grade Math

6th Grade Math

Week of Sept. 16th-20th

- Chapter 3: Division

- compatible numbers

- divide decimals by whole number powers of 10

- Divide decimals by decimal powers of 10



This year in math, students will become masters of their skills! In addition to the core content, there is an emphasis on integer operations, percentages, and equations. 

Since math is foundational and topics build upon one another, each Friday will be a review day to review previous math topics.

Students will complete assignments from their textbook, workbook, online resources, and via google classroom. 

Students will be assessed in a variety of ways including: tests, quizzes, homework assignments, class assignments, and exit slips. Exit slips are short 3-5 question assignments at the end of class to determine each student’s level of understanding on that particular lesson.


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