Mrs. Angie Ridder » 5th Grade Math

5th Grade Math

In math, I will be giving class assignments ranging from 2-10 points. These are for me to gauge student's understanding of the concepts covered during class. There will be numerous assignments like this throughout each quarter, so if your child does not do well on some, it is okay, the grades will even out.

I will work with students and give them opportunities to re-do some of these assignments the following class periods.

If you have any questions at any time, don't hesitate to reach out.


Week of Sept. 16th-20th

This week, students will learn and practice skills from Ch. 2:

- decimals to the thousandth place

- decimals in expanded form

- compare and order decimals

- round decimals




This year in math, the students will learn and practice many skills. There will be a heavy emphasis on the topics of decimal operations and fractions. 

Since math is foundational and topics build upon one another, each Friday will be a review day to review previous math topics.

For the first half of the school year (Aug-Dec.) students will recieve class notes on each lesson from Mrs. Ridder. Please keep these and use them to study for tests/quizzes. Beginning in January, students will be responsible for taking their own notes during class.

Students will complete assignments from their textbook, workbook, online resources, and via google classroom. 

Students will be assessed in a variety of ways including: tests, quizzes, homework assignments, class assignments, and exit slips. Exit slips are short 3-5 question assignments at the end of class to determine each student’s level of understanding on that particular lesson.


Helpful Links/Resources:

Virtual Nerd