Miss Sydney Lodes » 6th Grade Science

6th Grade Science

This upcoming week:
We will begin our water cycle project!
This is completed in school during class time. The project will be due Friday 9/20.
Please check with your child if they are responsible for bringing in any supplies or poster board.
Main topics covered in sixth grade science
  • earth’s water and atmosphere
  • space science
  • We will also learn more about motion, force, energy, and matter


We will also be doing hands-on activities in the classroom, science lab, innovation lab, and outside. 


As we explore specific topics, students may be asked to bring additional supplies for projects to keep science fun and interactive.  

A Fun Science Experiment to Try at Home! 
Supplies needed: baking soda, vinegar, and a ziploc sandwich bag  
Steps on how to do it: 
1. Fill a sandwich ziploc bag 1/2 way with white vinegar 
2. Add a spoon full of baking soda to the bag, quickly zip the bag, and set it in the grass 
3. Watch as the bag begins to expand and explode